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Adult Carers

Am I an Adult Carer?

If you’re an adult (over 18) looking after an ill, frail or disabled family member, partner or friend, then you are an adult carer. The person you look after (also over 18) may be elderly, have a physical or mental health condition, a learning disability or a drug or alcohol dependency.

Caring for someone can bring many positives. It’s also a role that can be complex and challenging at times, so it’s important that you’re able to look after your own physical health and wellbeing alongside caring for someone.

Carers often have their own health problems. These may be caused as a direct result of their caring role, or worsened by the physical and mental strains of caring for someone. It’s also common to experience feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Many people don’t recognise that they are carers, and therefore entitled to help and support. Under the Care Act 2014, adult carers are entitled to support with their caring role regardless of whether the person they’re caring for wishes to have support or an assessment with Swindon Borough Council themselves.

What we offer

If you contact us, we will take some key information from you. We will complete a short registration, to assess your caring needs and send you any relevant information that may be useful. With your consent, we may also signpost you to external organisations able to offer support to you and the person you’re caring for.

Once registered with our Adult Carer Services, you can access:

  • Carers Support Line
  • 1:1 support
  • Welfare and Benefits Advice
  • Emergency Card Scheme
  • Access to breaks, complementary therapies, training sessions and self-help groups
  • Bereavement support

Register with us