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An update from the Chair of Trustees

I have some news to share with you on behalf of the Board of Trustees. As part of a recent structure review our CEO, Susanna Jones, has taken the decision that it is the right time for her to leave Swindon Carers Centre and move on to new challenges.

Susanna has been an integral part of SCC for nearly 15 years, 9 years of those leading the organisation.

As part of the same review, Stuart Ilbury, our Head of Service Delivery for Adult and Older Carers, has also taken the decision to leave after 9 years with SCC.

Both colleagues have been intrinsic to the organisation and will be missed greatly!

I’d like to publicly thank Susanna and Stuart for everything they’ve contributed to our team and for all their hard work and dedication to SCC and the carers we work with.

Susanna and Stuart will be here until the end of August and will continue to work hard as always on behalf of carers in Swindon. The organisation will not be recruiting a CEO replacement immediately, as the Senior Leadership Team will be doing strategic planning along with the Board of Trustees to inform what will be required of that leadership role for the organisation moving forward. In the interim period a member of the Senior Leadership Team will be stepping up as Interim Charity Director in addition to their existing role and further details on this will be communicated soon.”


Susanna says “One of the reasons I’ve decided now is the right time to go, is that there is a wealth of talent and expertise within leadership, management and the whole staff team at Swindon Carers Centre and others now have the opportunity to develop and grow in roles.  I feel very privileged to have led such a fantastic team for such a long time and am very confident SCC will continue to do exceptional work supporting carers in Swindon and I will be cheering the team on every step of the way.”


Hannah Crawley

Chair of Trustees


Susanna Jones, CEO, pictured left and Debbie Murphy-Myers, Head of Service Delivery (YC/PC), at our Carers Rights Day 2023 event.


Stuart Ilbury, Head of Service Delivery for Adult and Older Carers holding brownies, pictured with the SCC team on Sonya’s leaving day.