We are extremely grateful for all donations made to Swindon Carers Centre as they make a significant difference in the lives of carers.
Your donations help us to continue our mission of providing advice, support, and respite opportunities to the 18,315 unpaid carers in Swindon. These carers have access to a range of services to support them in their caring role, such as our support line, 1:1 support, groups and activities, benefits advice, and more.
How your donation helps
£10could help a carer to access training to support them with their caring responsibilities |
£30could pay for a day out by coach for an adult carer |
£70could pay for a group pamper session for parent carers |
Another way to donate? We are registered with EasyFundraising, which means over 7,000 brands will donate to us for FREE every time you use EasyFundraising to shop with them.