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Meet the Team

We have a team of experienced and dedicated staff and volunteers who are always pleased to speak to you and help in any way we can. If we can’t help, we will do our best to redirect you to the most appropriate person for your needs.


Become a Trustee                                           Join Our Team

Board of Trustees

Hannah Crawley

Hannah Crawley

Chair of Trustees
Chris Sims

Chris Sims

Trustee | Company Secretary
Caroline Moore

Caroline Moore

Neil Steptoe, Trustee at Swindon Carers Centre

Neil Steptoe


Nina Czajkowski


Peta Fry


Chief Executive Officer

Susanna Jones, Chief Executive Officer at Swindon Carers Centre

Susanna Jones


Carer Support Teams

Debbie Murphy Myers

Debbie Murphy-Myers

Head of Service Delivery | Safeguarding Lead for Adults and Children and Young People

Tina Richards

Deputy Service Delivery Manager | Deputy Safeguarding Lead for Adults

Andrea Macdonald

Deputy Service Delivery Manager | Deputy Safeguarding Lead for Children and Young People

Amanda Winsor

Adult Carer Support Practitioner

Katie Beckett

Adult Carer Support Practitioner

Tanya Hawker

Adult Carer Support Practitioner

Adela Wills

Adult Carer Support Practitioner

Rebecca Thompson

Carer Support Line Practitioner

Nick Precious

Emergency Card Scheme Administrator

Kelly Kemmett

Benefits Service Coordinator

Lorraine Kardasz

Senior Parent Carer Support Practitioner

Claudia Oliveira

Young Carer Support Practitioner

Rachael Bailey

Young Carer Support Practitioner

Sophie Beale

Events Coordinator (YC)

Heather Goldsmith

Events Manager (AC/OC)

Zoe Beckett-Furnell

Events Coordinator (AC/OC)

Suzanne Stickley

Events Coordinator (AC/OC)

Sarah Wright

Adult Carers Groups and Activities Volunteer

Maggie Harris

Adult Carers Groups and Activities Volunteer

Roger Davies

Events Volunteer

Gary Vitler

Young Carer Activities Volunteer

Shirley Vitler

Young Carer Groups and Activities Volunteer

Peter Richmond

Young Carer Activities Volunteer

Holly Egerton

Volunteer Administration Assistant

Communications and Development

Claire Smith

Head of Development

Lauren Sharp

Communications and Marketing Manager
Nicola Wood

Nicola Wood

Grants and Impact Officer

Finance and Resources

Bronte Hague

Head of Finance and Resources | Data Protection Officer

Cathy Turner

Senior Resources Officer

Jacky Barnes

Finance Manager

Geri Marinova

Finance Officer

Suzanne Hunt

Senior Finance Officer

Steve Coleman

IT Support Volunteer