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Swindon Advocacy Movement (SAM)

SAM aims to promote social inclusion, equality and social justice through the below services:

  • Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
  • Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) including for adults as well as children and young people
  • Independent Care Act Advocacy
  • Parent Advocacy
  • Community Mental Health Advocacy – advocacy for those aged 18+ in Swindon who are having a reduction in, or wanting access to mental health services
  • Project boost- Group based advocacy including activities surrounding different interests and daily life skills for those with learning disabilities
  • Indy project- one-to-one advocacy for children and young people with learning disabilities. Enabling 10-18 year olds to reach their personal goals.

SAM provides a clear consistent voice for those who are unable or struggle to be heard.

In particular the Care Act Advocacy role can benefit unpaid carers in Swindon. Carers are entitled to a carers assessment under the Care Act 2014 if the caring role is having an impact on their wellbeing. This can be at the same time the person the carer is caring for is having their care and support needs assessment. Carers can be entitled to support themselves if needs are identified during their assessment.

The rest of the services we offer may be more applicable to the person the carer is caring for.

For more information please contact us via email or telephone; info@swindonadvocacy.org.uk  01793 542575

Or find more information on our website https://www.swindonadvocacy.org.uk/