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Volunteer with Us

We couldn’t do what we do without our amazing volunteers!

We are so grateful to our volunteers for giving their time, sharing their skills and experience, and helping to make a difference to carers in our community.

Their roles range from undertaking administrative tasks, information technology support to giving benefits advice and helping at our events and activities so carers of all ages can have a much-needed break from their caring responsibilities.

Our Trustees are also volunteers and their role includes quality governance, development and monitoring of Swindon Carers Centre’s strategic goals and supporting our team and volunteers in the delivery of our services. You can read more about the work of our Trustees here.


Why I volunteer

We aim to offer our volunteers a supportive, rewarding and enjoyable experience. Below you can read about two of our volunteers, Gary and Roger.

“It’s a great experience and it never feels like work.”


Read Gary’s story here.


“It’s very rewarding helping carers to enjoy themselves.”


Read Roger’s story here.

Volunteer vacancies

We currently have no vacancies but check back again as all vacancies are advertised on our website.