Young Carers
What is a Young Carer?
A young carer looks after someone who is ill, has a disability, or has mental health issues. Or, if a parent or family member has an alcohol or drug problem, they may be unable to care for themselves or anyone else.
A young carer looks after someone within their family home; a parent, sibling, or other family member.
Caring for someone may involve physically supporting someone with daily tasks, such as dressing, cooking, and cleaning if your family member cannot do these things themselves.
You may also offer regular emotional care, such as comforting, listening and talking to the person you care for, which causes you stress, worry, or anxiety.
The Young Carer Team supports children aged 5 years and up.

How can Swindon Carers Centre help?
We provide respite opportunities, through term-time groups and/or holiday activities, to allow young carers to have a break from their caring responsibilities. Additional services can be available at the charity’s discretion, such as 1:1 support and/or funding when respite alone is not enough.
Young carers with additional needs can be referred however, the Young Carer Team does not have the capacity or training to provide 1:1 support on trips and activities. If a young carer has difficulties following instructions, regulating emotions, or engaging with others, it may not be appropriate for them to attend trips and activities for their own safety and/or the safety of others around them. We encourage you to contact the Young Carer Team prior to referring a young carer with additional needs to discuss if we can support them.